50 Practice Thoughts To Help You Change Your Mindset
How to Change your Mindset with 50 Practice Thoughts
I get it.
After a lifetime of conditioning, we all have set thoughts on repeat in our heads.
Often they can be quite random. Something a coach in high school once said. A comment your teacher made. And for some reason, they’ve stuck in our heads all these years creating well worn beliefs that we hold to be truths.
If we are not intentionally cultivating thoughts to change our mindset to serve us, then we are just operating on default. And anyone’s random words can become our lifelong beliefs.
But what if we no longer want to believe those thoughts. What if they no longer serve us? What if they never served us?
When working on our life’s dreams and goals, these unhelpful beliefs hold us back.
What’s great about this whole situation is that it is in our control to change.
In this blog I will help you change your mindset with 50 practice thoughts to get you started.
This is important because changing your mindset is the first step to changing your beliefs and your results in your life.
So if you’re ready to get your business to finally making some serious cash, or you’re ready to lose those 20 pounds, or you’re wanting to train for a half marathon, believe it or not, starting with positive thoughts is your first step to getting what you want.
(Agitation: if you stay the same and keep the same beliefs about yourself, you will never allow yourself to reach your full potential.)
I know plenty of people who believe their thoughts are facts.
I’m here to help you poke holes in your current thoughts and beliefs about yourself in order to change your mindset and start getting some killer results in your life.
Take these common beliefs I hear people say again and again:
Money is the root of all evil,
You can make money or you can do what you love.
I’m lazy.
I’m just not a ____ (fill in the blank: business woman, runner, salesperson, etc).
I’m just not good at ______ (fill in the blank: marketing, sales, making friends, keeping in touch).
Can you start to see that these beliefs are just well worn thoughts and not actual truths?
If you go through your life thinking you’re not good at making sales, can you see that this part of your business is an absolute suck hole? Can you see how this thought actually helps you kill sales in your business?
(Confession: I’ve believed all those above nasty thoughts about myself. In fact they still pop up every now and then. Luckily I’ve learned how to reframe those thoughts to serve me and my business.)
Back to the good news.
If we can so easily think all these negative things, we could start to entertain some opposite thoughts.
How about these instead:
I am working on becoming a salesperson in my business.
I have endless motivation to work on what matters to me.
I’m learning how to train for a marathon.
I am someone who is healthy and strong.
To get you going further, I’ve come up with 50 thoughts to help you change your mindset for the better.
Important note: when practicing new thoughts, you must actually believe them.
So If you don’t quite believe “I am a badass business woman who brings in plenty of sales sales week after week”, you can create what is called a bridge thought.
It would read something like this: “I am working on becoming a badass business woman in order to bring in sales week after week”.
Ok, now for the 50 thoughts to help you change your mindset:
On goals and dreams.
The way I meet my goals is through positive thoughts.
I am someone who follow my dreams.
I am an example of what’s possible to others.
I am open, abundant and ready to receive.
Going after my dreams is my sacred gift to the world.
Working towards my goals is fun.
There is plenty of time to do what matters most.
I am someone who does what I say I’m going to do.
On Business and Money
People love my products and want to buy from me.
I am learning to make lots of money in my business.
I know how to make money in my business.
I am good at paying off debt.
I am good at saving money.
I am cultivating good money management skills.
I know how to move my business forward.
I can figure this out.
I’ve got this.
People can’t wait to hear about my business.
Selling my products is fun.
Marketing my products is easy.
I deserve to make (lots of) money.
My business is right where it’s supposed to be.
I give myself permission to make mistakes in my business.
Making money can be easy.
Making money is fun.
Money is a tool to fuel my success.
Success is whatever I say it is.
On Self Worth
I am worthy just because I exist.
I am worthy of love.
I am worthy of compassion.
I am creating the life I love
My past is perfect.
Everything I do is a choice.
I am stronger than I think.
I am smarter than I think
Everything happens for me.
Nothing has gone wrong.
My purpose is the life I am living now.
I can do hard things
I’m living life on my terms.
I decide everyday how to live my one precious life.
I know exactly what to do next in my business.
Love is always an option.
I am someone who values myself.
*Important not on self worth. You may wonder why self worth has its own thought category.
Here’s the deal: so many people I’ve coached have issues that get boiled down to self worth.
Fighting with their spouse because they feel degraded (ie less than).
Not asking for the customer testimonial that will look fantastic on their website.
Not doing what they say they are going to do (ie get out and run 3 miles that day). And on and on.
Change your beliefs about your self-worth and you’ll change your life.
On relationships
Her/his words (actions, opinions) have nothing to do with me.
I am a precious friend (or insert: sister, brother, wife, etc).
I am a loving and patient mother.
I give myself permission to make mistakes as a mom.
I cherish my husband/wife/partner/spouse.
We can disagree and still love each other.
My son/daughter is my best teacher.
Love is always an option.
So now what do you do with these 50 thoughts to help change your mindset?
Pick the top 10 that most resonate with you and write them down. Writing them is an important part of integrating them into your mind.
Every day read them over. Or better yet, write them down daily.
Put sticky notes with your thought on your computer (before a meeting), on your mirror, on your bed stand, set reminders on your phone that pop up with an intentional thought, etc.
I use these thoughts as part of my morning routine.
This part of my morning consists of me sitting with my coffee and reading the most important thoughts that will best support me.
Do you already have a practice like this?
Comment below with one of your favorite positive thoughts about yourself.