Why your birth chart is an essential tool for self growth and business
After years of telling myself I didn’t really believe in astrology I finally figured out what my birth chart looks like.
As I move deeply into a time of introspection, I felt called to “just see”.
And was I blown away.
Once you generate yours, there’s going to be a lot of information.
I dove in and decided to focus on 3 key areas:
1) Sun Sign.
Your sun sign is the sign most people associate with in regards to astrology. It’s tied to your date of birth.
I’m a cancer. I’ve known that fact forever and until recently that was my only touch point with astrology.
I think most of us can resonate with aspects of our sun signs. But it’s not the entire picture.
2) Rising Sign
After listening to a few full horoscopes by Rux from Written in the Stars (link at end of blog), I realized that I need to be following both my sun sign and rising sign horoscope.
When listening to your horoscope, tune into your rising or ASC (ascending) sign.
3) North Node.
Your north node is all about where you’re going and how to show up in order to move into your highest potential.
While your south node tells you how you tend to show up “naturally”, your north node is your place of growth. Move into these attributes to create your true magic.
Knowing the attributes of my north node guides me to where I need to transform and focus and may not feel entirely natural.
My birth chart. Sun (circle with dot inside) in Cancer, Sagittarius rising (ASC), north node in Leo (upside down u or horseshoe-looking figure).
How to put it all together.
I’m now listening to my full horoscope each month. Rux, from Written in the Stars, is great (or find your own favorite astrologer). She does bi-monthly horoscopes on YouTube in relation to the full monthly horoscope and the horoscope around the full and new moons of each month.
I listen to my sun sign and rising sign horoscope and take notes on key dates for the coming month. Ideally I use these dates to inform key business and personal tasks like launching a sale, reaching out to past customers, collaborating, networking, starting new projects, wrapping things up and letting go, or connecting and socializing.
While I think this is highly informative, I still take what serves me and leave what doesn’t.
Human Design.
If you have the info to get your birth chart, you have the info to get your full human design profile.
Here’s how generating my human design profile helped me.
It allowed me to accept parts of myself that I’ve been fighting for years. In fact recently I was starting to wonder if I may be on the ADHD spectrum: hyper focus tendency, history of underperforming in certain areas no matter how hard I tried, day dreamy, lack of focus in certain areas, etc.
While this may still be part of how my brain works I also discovered that I'm a Generator in Human Design.
Holy crap! Ideas galore and when I’m lit up I can focus for hours. In fact, being lit up by life is my guiding light.
Frustration, on the other hand is my cue that I’m off track, etc.
Ok, folks, that was a QUICK overview of how I’m using astrology to inform my life and business.
Here are your next steps:
1) Get your birth chart generated here: https://astro-charts.com/
2) Generate your human design after getting your birth chart: https://www.myhumandesign.com/
3) listen to you monthly horoscope: https://www.youtube.com/c/WrittenintheStarsbyRux
4) Comment below with any aha moments.