6 Steps to Use Your Birth Chart To Inform Your Business.

After many years of being a complete astrological skeptic I decided to find out what my birth chart said about who I am.

I then decided to listen to a monthly horoscope by Rux at Written in the Stars for the month we were already deep into.

And friends, it was crazy. Listening retroactively, I could pin point exact days that things happened that she was predicting.

On my end, things seemed to happen about a day ahead, but nonetheless, the sky (or the earth) is always in motion and turning so days things may come a bit early or a bit late.

Here are some concrete examples:

Horoscope Reading: A child was going to have a big development shift over the course of a couple days.

My life connection: My daughter came to me out of the blue and said: “can we go buy nail polish? I’m done sucking my thumb.” HOLY CRAP!

Horoscope: there was a period of days where conflict was expected to be high and misunderstandings were going to be common.

My life connection: A family member and I got into a period of conflict that lasted almost a week (this is very rare for me) was immensely uncomfortable.

And remember, I was listening retro-actively! So I and was like, WTF?!

That’s when I decided there was something here worth exploring.

Based on this new found interest, I decided that listening to my full horoscope (both for my sun sign and for my rising sign) and then scheduling key days or workflows into my month could be really interesting.

If you’d like to play with doing the same, here’s what I’d recommend:

Step 1: Get a Full Birth Chart Reading.

You can go to https://astro-charts.com/ to get a birth chart generated for free.

Step 2: Understand Key Parts.

Once you get your birth chart, you’ll see that there’s a lot of information. Over time you can start to explore everything one bit at a time, but for now focus on these areas: your sun sign, your moon sign, your rising (or ASC) sign and your north node.

Step 3: Listen to your full monthly horoscope.

Find a horoscope you love on YouTube or wherever you listen to podcasts (I like Rux at Written in the Stars. I was also introduced to Dr. Micheal Lennox but haven’t listened in yet.) and listen to both your sun sign and your rising (ASC) sign.

Take notes on key days during the month and think of how they may apply to your life in personal and business matters.

Step 4: Schedule key dates based on your notes.

Head over to your calendar or planner and plan any key dates that you think would be great.

Does your horoscope mention a day that would be great for collaboration? Schedule that collab project that’s been on your mind forever.

Does your horoscope mention a great day to be social? Plan a group or one-on-one gathering to make the most of this day!

Step 5: Move toward your north node.

What is your north node?

Get familiar with this aspect of yourself that you need to embrace a little more and grow into. This, my friend, is your pace of growth.

Ask yourself how this can apply to your work or business life and your personal life and then apply one little thing this week.

Step 6: Accept yourself and your gifts.

My favorite aspect of this process is learning that certain gifts, tendencies and traits are a deep part of who I am, simply based on when I arrived as a planetary being.

This is so freeing and fascinating.

Use this information to lean into what’s natural and easy for you.

How can you make your natural tendencies a strength?

How can you use this information to your highest good?

Comment below with any insights you’ve discovered after going through your birth chart discovery process.


Business Books By Women For Women


Why your birth chart is an essential tool for self growth and business